Body Building Blog

Body Building Blog

Body building, not my cup of tea but I guess if you like that kinda of thing then I have found the blog for you!

Pretty much this is the blog where you go if you want to show off your so called “amazing” body to the world. It’s just a bunch of people posting photos and others commenting on them saying how “amazing” their bodies are.

I have to say I was a bit let down by this blog in the sense it doesn’t really provide any information on body building, not that I’m looking to take it up, but I was hoping to read more about what drives people to do it and how the competitions and such are actually run.

It’s also not set up like a typical blog, it’s more like a dating website. Each member has their own profile where they can post. But I have to say the focus seems to be pushed more toward photos and the “about me” rather than the blog entries.

Video Blogging

I find a regular written text to be more effective than a video blog in most cases. From what I’ve seen most video blogs are grumpy teenagers who just want to get their face out on the internet hoping to be discovered by a billionaire and be the next Justin Beiber. I can understand popping some videos into your blog to help support your case, even filming yourself sometimes, but day after day filming yourself to tell the world about how sad you are would just be draining! Maybe videos are more appealing to those who can’t be bothered putting in the effort to read and would rather be yelled at but I just can’t understand the appeal of filming yourself for the world to see.
I guess I shouldn’t jump to conclusions though. As I have said before, when I started out with this blog I didn’t much like the idea of it or the idea of the whole blog thing, and yet my mind has been changed about that, but that might only be because I’ve been immersed in it for the last couple of days.
I would love to hear peoples views on written vs video blogs.

“My Breast Cancer Blog”

My Breast Cancer Blog

To go through something like cancer must take more strength and courage than anyone could imagine. But can you imagine sharing your story with the whole world while dealing with breast cancer and raising to young boys?
Jacki Donaldson, a mother of two and wife, was diagnosed with breast cancer. She says “nothing was more urgent after my diagnosis than finding women just like me.” This proved harder than she would have thought. Not knowing what to expect from her illness or understanding how she would be able to look after her family while looking after herself Jacki tried to reach out to a community that was hard to find. It was after this that she created the blog called “My Breast Cancer Blog” so she was able to share her stories with women, and men alike, who were in need but also to be able to provide awareness to the public.

Jacki’s blog has lead to her having publications on such websites as “iVillage” and “BetterMedecince.”
It’s really nice and refreshing to come across that is being used to advocate something positive not just used to rant about bubbling emotions or piss off the person sitting next to you. It shows you that a little thought can go a very long way.

And with every bit of recognition that this blog receives the more notice people will take. So I am not only today writing about this blog because it is an amazing story and well crafted blog but because it is a message that everyone needs to hear and it is what Jacki is trying to tell the world.

Blogging for all ages.

Blogging for all ages

When I was in year 12 at school my English teacher came us with the idea of our class starting up a blog. The main reason was so we were able to share ideas about the book we were studying and take it in turns answering weekly questions and sharing them with each other.
For the few of us who got involved in the idea it worked really well. It was great to be able to get other people ideas at the click of a button. I think this (blogging) is a great way for students to be able to expand their learning. It doesn’t only help with understanding technology and becoming familiar with computers but it’s also a great and unique for teachers to get students submitting infomation. I think it would work particularly well with older primary school children all the way through to VCE years. Obviously depending on the age of the children the blog could just be used to get to know your way around a computer or as it was used in my school, to have in depth conversations about “identity and belonging.”
I googled if there was any specially designed blogs for children and came across a website called “Kidblog.” Basically it has been designed for “elementary and middle school teachers who want to provide each student with their own, unique blog” in a safe and controlled environment. The teacher has complete control and monetary powers over what is posted and yet it gives children the freedom to have their own blog.

I think this is a great advance in technology and should be taken on bored by more schools and teachers.



Cars, we all need them. For most of us I think it’s a love hate relationship. CARBLog makes searching for any car as easy as counting to three. You can search by brand, year and use the search function to type in your perfect car.
Each post contains either a video or a photo of the car it is talking about, along with a couple of paragraphs talking about the cars key components. Adding to this it provides additional links to more informative pages about the said car.

CARBLog covers all the cars you could think of, with every car company known to man along wit a whole section dedicated to concept cars.

The blog has been going since 2005 and has 192 subscribers which I thought would be a lot higher.
I think if this blog could find more publicity, despite the fact it is sponsored by some car adds through google, if would have a lot more avid followers.


Just putting it out there but who really knows what the work BLOG means?
I thought about this when discussing this project which my very attentive boyfriend. After talking about this blog I was writing and him nodding and agreeing with everything I was saying and he turned around and said “What is a blog?” Clearly if your reading this I don’t need to tell you what a blog is but I thought it might be nice to know a bit more about them

Blog was a word created by mixing “web” and “log.” The main deffinition I found of is was an “online diary, maintained by an with individual, with commentires or descriptions of events.”

Apparently “Blogging can result in a range of legal liabilities and other unforeseen consequences.” Better take it easy I come across a blog I don’t like then.

Go Fug Yourself?

Go Fug Yourself

Go Fug Yourself is a celebrity based blog which deals with celebrity fashion, trends and scandals. Pretty much you’re able to rate each celebrity “FUG” or “FAB” and celebrities which get the biggest “FUG” (negative) ratings the author then blogs about. It was pretty amusing seeing the fashions that these millionaires think is good.

A big part of the blog is also the “trending” section which is the fashions an styles the author thinks we should all be following and taking on board. This weeks top “trendings” were:

2. America’s Next Top Model

3. Jessica Szhor

I don’t think I will be following these fashions in the coming season but good luck to those who do!
What I really did like about the blog was that is it super user friendly. You click on what you want to know about and there is it. The biggest downside is sometimes I felt like there was too much going on. Lots going on in side bars which was detracting from the main article. I guess you could also view this as an advantage though as you don’t need to go back to the home page to to be connected to a different article it’s all just there on the side.

Die hard, dying hard

Die hard, dying hard

This one is going to be simple and sweet.

I was raised supporting Essendon FC. The rule was set down by my Aunt when I was at a very young age. “You support Essendon or go and find a new family!” So when I came across a blog on the Essendon’s AFL website I thought it would be pretty cool. IT WASN’T!!! I’m sure the information on the page was great and supportive of the team but I didn’t know, I didn’t get very far into reading it. It was just text on text on text on text. No photos and nothing to brake up the posts but a faint black line.
All i have to say is “Not happy Jan.”

Odd ingredients for a tantelising blog

Mommy Novice

Cooking. Not my favorite thing to do, though I love the end result. Looking at recipes is just a daunting experience and try my very hardest to stay away. What caught my attention about this entry was the ingredients of the dish. “Sweet Potato Doughnuts” with “Maple Icing?” A normally doughnut with that would have been great, but a potato? The next thing that kept me looking was all the pictures!!! A recipe made from mainly pictures, my dream come true! Though at the same time those pictures were a bit of a turn off. Not the best looking doughnuts ever. The instructions were easy to follow and the last few photo of the blog (shown to the bellow) almost made me want to make some for myself.

I also loved the style of the over all blog. The background image is a black and white photo of a brick wall which was really classy and reminded me of a high end cook book or Jamie Oliver TV show, so I thought that worked in really well this the topic of blogging. The black background and text also provides a great contrast to the larger image that is used in the header of all the blogs.

Jes and James Blog :)

So I thought I would take some time away from other peoples blogs and write about my own.

When we started this task it was very daunting. I had no idea how it would go, I thought the writing part would be okay but didn’t know how we would go modifying someone else preexisting CSS and making it our own. After many many attempts to get some good changes to our theme happening we were pretty satisfied with what we’d come up with. Had changed some fonts, colours, headings and were going home happy people. Looking at the blog next time we logged in what did we find? None of our changes had been saved. In a way this was a good thing it let us take a step back and go back to the beginning and start again. Which I think has been for the better.

After all this time thought I have to admit I am close to enjoying this task and I can see myself using a blog in future. I’m thinking having one for my trip around Europe might be nice 🙂 I’ve found that the blogs I’ve found most enjoyable to read have been ones about travel of places I’m about to visit. And as I’m going overseas for a international gymnastics competition that only happens every four years I think a blog would be a great way to jot down the important details of everything that happens so in time to come I wont forget anything.

So in all thanks Emma for opening my eyes to this new world of blogging.