“My Breast Cancer Blog”

My Breast Cancer Blog

To go through something like cancer must take more strength and courage than anyone could imagine. But can you imagine sharing your story with the whole world while dealing with breast cancer and raising to young boys?
Jacki Donaldson, a mother of two and wife, was diagnosed with breast cancer. She says “nothing was more urgent after my diagnosis than finding women just like me.” This proved harder than she would have thought. Not knowing what to expect from her illness or understanding how she would be able to look after her family while looking after herself Jacki tried to reach out to a community that was hard to find. It was after this that she created the blog called “My Breast Cancer Blog” so she was able to share her stories with women, and men alike, who were in need but also to be able to provide awareness to the public.

Jacki’s blog has lead to her having publications on such websites as “iVillage” and “BetterMedecince.”
It’s really nice and refreshing to come across that is being used to advocate something positive not just used to rant about bubbling emotions or piss off the person sitting next to you. It shows you that a little thought can go a very long way.

And with every bit of recognition that this blog receives the more notice people will take. So I am not only today writing about this blog because it is an amazing story and well crafted blog but because it is a message that everyone needs to hear and it is what Jacki is trying to tell the world.

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